Tutorial: Exporting and Downloading Calculated Data from the Attribute Control Chart
Users can export data from the Attribute Control Chart into a file for further analysis or sharing purposes. Exporting and downloading data is an easy process and offers flexibility in choosing the format and destination for the exported data. In this brief guide, we’ll walk you through the essential steps.
Try it yourself!
Here’s what you need to export and download calculated data from the Attribute Control Chart:
– Enable the setting Allow downloads from custom visuals in the Admin Portal
– a Power BI report with your Dataset
– Build and Format the Attribute Control Chart
– Save and Share
Enable Allow downloads from custom visuals in the Admin Portal
This setting is disabled by default and applies to all visuals including those managed by your organizational store, Desktop, and web. When this setting is enabled, users can download data from a custom visual into a file on their storage device.
To manage Power BI visuals you must be a Global administrator or have been assigned the Fabric administrator role. Go to the Admin portal > Tenant settings, scroll down to Power BI visuals and enable Allow downloads from custom visuals. When this setting is enabled, users can download data from the Attribute Control Chart into a file. It can export to files of the following types: .csv, .txt, .json, .tmplt, .xml, .pdf and .xlxs
- Expand the Allow downloads from custom visuals settings.
- Select Enabled.
- Choose who can download files:
- Select The entire organization option to allow everyone in your organization to download data from a visual into a file.
- Select the Specific security groups option to limit downloading files to specific security groups. Enter the security groups you want in the Enter security groups text bar. The security groups you specify are included by default. If you want to exclude these security groups and include everyone else in the organization, select the Except specific security groups option.
- Select Apply.

The UI tenant settings only affect the Power BI service. If you want these settings to take effect in Power BI Desktop, use AD Group Policy.
Key | Value name | Value |
Software\Policies\Microsoft\Power BI Desktop\ | AllowCVToExportDataToFile | 0 – Disable 1 – Enable (Default) |
When AllowCVToExportDataToFile
is set to 1, the custom visual can export data to a file only if:
- The feature switch in the admin portal is enabled.
- The user is logged on.
Enable Allow export data in the Attribute Control Chart
- Open your Power BI report and add a Attribute Control Chart.
- Go to Format visual and enable Statistics per Rule.
- Expand the Calculation card and enable Allow export data.
- In the chart click Focus mode icon.
- Click the Download Data icon.
- The window Download from a custom visual? appears asking to confirm that the visual is from a trusted source.
- Click Download button.
- Rename and Save file.
- Open the file in Excel.
- Power BI exports the data to a (.csv) file. By default, your export is saved to your local Downloads folder.

Considerations and limitations
- Allow downloads from custom visuals setting must be enabled by your Power BI administrator.
- The API is supported only in the Power BI service and Power BI desktop.
- The size limit for a downloaded file is 30 MB.