Change log: Power Gantt Chart
- Added ISO-weeks to Date-axis
Added option to add a Month Offset
Fixed minor issues with rendering labels
Updated ESLint-version
- Fixed an issue with rendering order when using the zoom-slider, causing an empty visual
- Improved performance for large hierarchies
- Fixed an issue with the indenting on large hierarchies
- Fixed a few issues causing performance problems with large datasets
Fixed an issue with scrolling after using the zoom-slider
Fixed an issue with the storing persistent data (Edit-mode only).
- Fixed an issue with expanding the parent-child hierarchy in view mode.
- Added a feature to add labels to the milestones.
Added an option to enable gridlines on the date-axis.
Optimized the date-axis rendering.
Added an option to replace (blank) with another text or space
- Added option do remove Item-column when data labels on Items are enabled.
Added collapse all, expand all when there is a parent-child hierarchy
- Added formatting options for the columns in the Gantt Chart
- Options added to format the milestone-shapes
- Wrap-text option added for text in columns
- Initial setting of the Zoom Slider can now be set with data values.
- Legend Items are now always sorted alphabetical
- Fixed issue with sorting of the data in the PowerGantt Chart
- Fixed issue with wrong dates showing in Tooltips
- Progress field can be used as a separate column
Support for Web URL in additional columns
Option added to also show items without a start- of end-date
Items can now be selected on the full row
Fixed issue where focus always moves to the top when changing an item to expand or collapse state
Fixed some minor issues
- Fixed issue with duplicate uid in Formatting Model
Added support to change the color of the Today Line
Change appearance of the zoomslider to make clear it can also be dragged
- Support for the new formattingModel
Fixed some minor issues
Updated the API to 5.2.0
Updated other libraries
- Fixed issue with legend colours when data from legend is filtered
Fixed issues with labels in the date-scale
Fixed issue with baselines when start or end-date is empty.
- Grouping of tasks is now supported
- Baseline planning can now be configured by adding additional start- and end-date
- Added support for the MS Licensing API
- Colours for the zoom slider can now be changed
- Fixed multiple issues with the legend and colours
- Updated API to version 4.7.0
- Support for using a custom Date Scale and Hierarchy
- Added labels to the chart items
- Enable to show multiple items on the same row
- Changing the font-size and family is allowed on the Zoom-slider
- Fixed issues with colours in legend
- Allow user to set the font and font size of the time scale
- Added no data warning
- Allow user to wrap column-header text
- Sort order of the legend items will react to the sort order set in Power BI for the column
- Fixed some issues with the colours in the legend
- Added different shapes for Milestones
- Showing stacked Milestones as “*”
- Added the possibility to group multiple start- and end-times to a single item
- User can add a custom date scale with custom groups
- Fixed some minor issues
- Resizing columns is only allowed in Edit Mode
- Initial release